Statement on Living Wage Policy

Austin Interfaith commends City Council members for vocalizing their strong support this week for maintaining Living Wage protections when public tax dollars subsidize private businesses.   The current policy of requiring companies to pay the City Living Wage if they receive tax subsidies or incentives (Chapter 380 agreements) was forged over the past several years by community leaders and public officials.  Should the Mayor and Council decide to consider and vote on any changes to our Chapter 380  policies in the near future, we believe they will continue this commitment to working families.

We also commend City Manager Cronk for including an increase to $15 Living Wage in the City budget proposal.  Currently the City Living Wage applies to all city employees, employees of city contractors, and businesses receiving tax subsidies and incentives.  Austin Interfaith has worked with the Mayor and City Council to move the living wage from $11 in 2013 to the proposed goal of $15 today.